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Child Development and its significance in Creative Therapeutic Practice.

The Centre for Creative Therapeutic Practice
The Centre for Creative Therapeutic Practice

Understanding the intricacy of child development  from in utero and beyond, provides invaluable insights and information to support therapists to more effectively target their interventions.  We invite you to enhance your skills through this scientifically  informed course, designed for therapists and related professionals.  Adopting a biopsychosocial perspective and referencing attachment theory,  we provide an in-depth exploration of neuro, sensory and motor development from the prenatal stage onward, equipping  practitioners with the knowledge to support the children and young people they serve.

As therapists, understanding child development from the prenatal stage through to adolescence and early adulthood is crucial to co creating effective goals in therapy. This foundational knowledge allows practitioners to tailor therapeutic approaches, and foster growth at every stage of a child’s journey.

Scientific research informs us that a child's development starts way before birth, with the prenatal environment significantly influencing their physical, emotional, sensory, motor, and cognitive development. Factors such as stress, nutrition, and maternal health during pregnancy can affect brain development and temperament. Therapists can gain valuable insights by recognising how early experiences, including those in utero, shape a child's personality, sense of security, and ability to regulate emotions. Additionally, we now know that development can be influenced by epigenetics, which can be scientifically traced back for at least three generations.

Each stage of development presents unique milestones in areas such as emotional regulation, social skills, and cognitive abilities. For instance, a toddler exploring autonomy differs from a teenager grappling with identity,  however, this can be helpfully linked through having knowledge of these milestones,  enabling therapists to design developmentally appropriate therapeutic interventions through carefully incorporating  sensory motor activities with expressive arts that resonate and support the client’s developmental needs.

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or unresolved developmental trauma can have significant impacts throughout life, influencing behaviour, relationships, and mental health. Therapists can use this increased understanding to help clients reframe and process early experiences through creative mediums.

In depth knowledge of  the stages of development enables  therapists to see their clients holistically, building a deep understanding of the interplay between biology, environment, and personal experiences, enabling therapists to connect effectively, safely and knowledgeably.

For therapists, understanding child development from in utero through to young adulthood isn’t just academic; it’s transformative. This knowledge serves as a map, guiding therapeutic practice and ensuring that each intervention is rooted in the client’s unique developmental journey. By embracing this perspective, creative therapists can meaningfully and competently support growth across all ages and stages of life.

We look forward to welcoming  you.

More details about this course can be found here.  

We are offering 10% off all courses booked in the month of January.

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